This photo is on the celebration of CIO 100 awards Mexico in 2017. I was part of the top 20 CIO s, participating with a project for BI implementation .
Mexico city, August 1'2016
This interview occurred when I recieved the award of one of best 100 CIOs in Mexico 2016. On it I explain how a revolutionary inter-communications project between ERP SAP and ERP Oracle worked.
Mexico city, Octubre 14' 2015
Computerworld México, Simposium Data Center Executive Forum 2015 – Modernice y optimice su Centro de Datos, ahorrando en costos
La agenda inició con la participación de Juan Carlos Cedillo, CIO de Pacific Star FoodService, quien habló sobre los beneficios otorgados a partir de que la compañía implementó el Software Defined Storage.
Mexico City , August 14 2014.
This interview occurred when I worked as a CIO for Pacific Star Food Service. On It I express how it is to work for a Food Service Distribution company, the challanges and systems required to do it.